Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday Evening/Snow Day

Since it's snowing outside which means that we can't go anywhere I thought I would watch some Netflix and drink some coffee (which I usually don't drink lol) just needed some relaxing time. 
This is my current favorite k cup coffee 
Making some coffee ;) 
Pouring some coffee creamer 
I thought I'd take this pic and share it with you guys because the layer/gradient in this coffee looked cool. It kind of reminded me of the iced caramel macchiato from starbucks. 
Stir stir STIR 
I started this series today because I have heard a lot about it especially from my friends beware its definetly very graphic and bloody but it's so addicting. I watched 6 episodes today which is a lot haha. 

Basically, sums up my Saturday Evening for today. Happy President's Day Weekend! 

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