Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mini Haul

I went to the mall yesterday and just got two things. I first went to Sephora and got a YSL Lipstick and then I went to Lululemon to get a headband. We mainly went to buy my mom a gift for Valentine's Day. 
This was the YSL Lipstick 
The color is called "Nude In Private" #9, when I saw the name I was dying of laughter LOL XD. 
The packaging caught my eye, it was just gorgeous! 
Here's what the lipstick actually looks like when you take off the cap, it's beautiful isn't it? 
This is a swatch of the color, it's a nude/rose color which is slightly pink but not too much which I like because I wasen't looking for a straight up Barbie pink. This was the perfect shade because it has a little bit of everything. The best part is that it was moisturizing too, this is a pro for me because my lips are always dry and they get drier when I wear lipsticks. Also, it has shine which means you don't have to put on an extra layer of sticky gloss. The scent is also really yummy (don't lick it!) it smells like a tropical berry (idk which though) this is another pro because lipsticks usually smell awful. This lipstick only has one con, it costs $35 which is really expensive for a lipstick, but YSL is a luxury brand so there isn't much of an excuse. Still, you can get a MAC Lipstick for half the price and celebrities use MAC. I will most likely not purchase this product again for myself because of the price which is the downside. Overall, it's an amazing product and I would recommend it to anyone who is willing to splurge.
This is the "Fly Away Tamer" headband from Lululemon. 

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