Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Over the long weekend, I didn't really go anywhere because of all the snow accumulation so I decided to just sit back, relax, drink some hot cocoa and watch Netflix (the good life). Of course, the hardest decision is going on Netflix and actually finding something interesting to watch. I saw this and it reminded me because a few weeks ago, in my comm arts class, someone told me about this movie and said it was really good (yeah like I'd believe that :P) she told me to watch it but that it would be emotional so be ready with a box of tissues (me laughing inside my head now XD) Usually, I don't go on Netflix very often since I'm really busy with school work, studying, and my personal life (we all have one). This gave me a chance to watch this movie. When I first started watching this movie, it just reminded me of a typical high school movie where it's about this teenager who goes to high school and then there's this clique which bullies him/her (most of the time a 'her'). I'll be honest, it was pretty much that but, there was something more to it. When you watch the movie (especially the middle) you start to get emotional and maybe even connect, at least I know I did. In the past, I have been bullied and it was actually not very long ago, now, I'm not going to share anything too personal since this is a public blog. You can find out for yourself by watching the movie. 


Taylor Hillridge is a teenage girl who is being raised by her single mother, Kris, along with her younger brother, Eric. She is close friends with two other girls, Samantha Caldone and Cheyenne Mortenson. Earlier, Taylor made a seemingly innocuous comment to one of her classmates, Lindsay Fordyce, to which Lindsay took great offense.
(SPOILER ALERT) She receives a computer for her seventeenth birthday from her mom. At first, Taylor is excited by the independence of going online without her mother always watching her. Meanwhile, her crush, Scott asks her to the dance, to which she says yes. Cheyenne is happy for her, but Samantha does not like Scott because she previously went out with his friend, who later dumped her. Taylor soon finds herself the victim of cyberbullying when she becomes a member of a social website named Cliquester. Things begin to go wrong when Taylor's brother, Eric, hacks into her account and posts a defamatory message about his sister. Students at school write horrid comments about her and she becomes afraid to face her friends at school. Taylor also meets a guy named James online and thinks he is just being nice, but winds up spreading a rumor that Taylor slept with him. Taylor gets pegged as a "slut" and "whore" as a result of the bullying. The abuse that Taylor receives from the hands of her schoolmates pushes her to a breaking point. Scott also tells Taylor that he cannot take her to the dance and Cheyenne and Samantha begin to turn their backs on Taylor. Overcome with depression, Taylor posts a video online saying that she can no longer live with herself. Samantha sees this and quickly goes to Taylor's house and finds her trying to commit suicide by overdosing with pills, but cannot get the cap off. Taylor is then sent to a hospital. Taylor's mom learns from the incident and takes on the school system and state legislation to prevent others from going through the same problem as her daughter. Taylor's mom recommends that she go to a support group and get help. She finds that one of her classmates, Caleb is going through the same exact thing, only he is targeted for being gay. Taylor finds support in the group and deals with the bullying much better. She finds out that her best friend Samantha is the one who created the "James" profile and set Taylor up. Samantha feels guilty and becomes a victim of cyberbullying herself. Taylor finds out about this and tells her about her support group and eventually forgives Samantha, rekindling their friendship. In the end, Taylor, Samantha, Cheyenne, Caleb, and Scott all stand up against Lindsay and a law is passed to help fight against bullying.

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