Thursday, February 27, 2014

Healthy Snacking: Strawberries + Whipped Cream

I wasen't feeling well today so I skipped school and stayed at home. Usually, when I'm sick I feel hungry often so I try to fix up some healthy sweets such as fruits. They are also essentials when your 'on the run'. 

It's important to wash fruits/veggies

Easy as pie! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

DIY Brown Sugar + Vanilla Lip Scrub

Although, winter maybe coming to an end (fingers crossed) it's completely normal to have dry lips (I do too) rather than going to Lush and buying a lip scrub for $12, you can make it yourself at home and I guarantee you it will have better results since it's 100% all natural! For the first time, you can actually lick your lips too! 


  • 2 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp honey or agave nectar
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • Mixing bowl
  • A small container
Using the mixing bowl, add your honey or agave nectar, then mix in the olive oil. This combination is super moisturizing on dry lips. Lightly incorporate the brown sugar. The sugar will act as a gentle exfoliant, removing dead skin and relieving chapped lips. For a yummy smell that seems almost good enough to eat, add the vanilla extract. Using a spoon, mix the ingredients until combined.

Monday, February 24, 2014

OOTD: Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today at school we had Holocaust Remembrance Day in honor of the Holocaust (obviously) and all the Jews who died. A lady who was a Holocaust survivor came to our school and spoke about her experience. I got tears in my eyes because it was so touching and reminded me how fortunate I am to have to not go through something so terrible and have so many facilities. We were supposed to dress up a little bit more formal for Holocaust Remembrance Day for respect. 
Top: American Rag - Macy's 
Black Jeans: Guess

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Song of the Week

I'm pretty sure you have heard this song on the radio and if you watched the Brit Awards then you might have seen Pharrell's performance. This song was also in Despicable Me 2. If you're feeling down listen to this song, it makes you happy! :) 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

New Videos! Selena Gomez Concert

I uploaded 3 videos on my YouTube channel from a Selena Gomez Concert at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ I went to last year October. I never got a chance to upload them so I thought I'd just do it today. These videos were filmed from my iPhone 5. 

Come & Get It                                             
Love Will Remember

OOTD: Going to the Mall

Today I'm going to the mall because I got a coupon from Victoria's Secret for a free tumbler and sunglasses and a $10 off coupon as well. I'm running out of candles so I'm also going to Bath & Body Works since they are having their 2 for 22 sale on candles. 
Sweater: Forever 21
Pants: Abercrombie 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Froyo Friday?

Today after school I went to Frozen Falls for frozen yogurt since I haven't had it in months. I kinda got a lot :P the flavors I got were coffee, french vanilla and caramel macchiato with chocolate chips covered with rainbow sprinkles, m&m's, chocolate covered almonds, coffee beans, and brownie bites. Don't worry I didn't eat the whole thing though haha that would be really bad. FYI I usually don't eat this much froyo. :P 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Over the long weekend, I didn't really go anywhere because of all the snow accumulation so I decided to just sit back, relax, drink some hot cocoa and watch Netflix (the good life). Of course, the hardest decision is going on Netflix and actually finding something interesting to watch. I saw this and it reminded me because a few weeks ago, in my comm arts class, someone told me about this movie and said it was really good (yeah like I'd believe that :P) she told me to watch it but that it would be emotional so be ready with a box of tissues (me laughing inside my head now XD) Usually, I don't go on Netflix very often since I'm really busy with school work, studying, and my personal life (we all have one). This gave me a chance to watch this movie. When I first started watching this movie, it just reminded me of a typical high school movie where it's about this teenager who goes to high school and then there's this clique which bullies him/her (most of the time a 'her'). I'll be honest, it was pretty much that but, there was something more to it. When you watch the movie (especially the middle) you start to get emotional and maybe even connect, at least I know I did. In the past, I have been bullied and it was actually not very long ago, now, I'm not going to share anything too personal since this is a public blog. You can find out for yourself by watching the movie. 


Taylor Hillridge is a teenage girl who is being raised by her single mother, Kris, along with her younger brother, Eric. She is close friends with two other girls, Samantha Caldone and Cheyenne Mortenson. Earlier, Taylor made a seemingly innocuous comment to one of her classmates, Lindsay Fordyce, to which Lindsay took great offense.
(SPOILER ALERT) She receives a computer for her seventeenth birthday from her mom. At first, Taylor is excited by the independence of going online without her mother always watching her. Meanwhile, her crush, Scott asks her to the dance, to which she says yes. Cheyenne is happy for her, but Samantha does not like Scott because she previously went out with his friend, who later dumped her. Taylor soon finds herself the victim of cyberbullying when she becomes a member of a social website named Cliquester. Things begin to go wrong when Taylor's brother, Eric, hacks into her account and posts a defamatory message about his sister. Students at school write horrid comments about her and she becomes afraid to face her friends at school. Taylor also meets a guy named James online and thinks he is just being nice, but winds up spreading a rumor that Taylor slept with him. Taylor gets pegged as a "slut" and "whore" as a result of the bullying. The abuse that Taylor receives from the hands of her schoolmates pushes her to a breaking point. Scott also tells Taylor that he cannot take her to the dance and Cheyenne and Samantha begin to turn their backs on Taylor. Overcome with depression, Taylor posts a video online saying that she can no longer live with herself. Samantha sees this and quickly goes to Taylor's house and finds her trying to commit suicide by overdosing with pills, but cannot get the cap off. Taylor is then sent to a hospital. Taylor's mom learns from the incident and takes on the school system and state legislation to prevent others from going through the same problem as her daughter. Taylor's mom recommends that she go to a support group and get help. She finds that one of her classmates, Caleb is going through the same exact thing, only he is targeted for being gay. Taylor finds support in the group and deals with the bullying much better. She finds out that her best friend Samantha is the one who created the "James" profile and set Taylor up. Samantha feels guilty and becomes a victim of cyberbullying herself. Taylor finds out about this and tells her about her support group and eventually forgives Samantha, rekindling their friendship. In the end, Taylor, Samantha, Cheyenne, Caleb, and Scott all stand up against Lindsay and a law is passed to help fight against bullying.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

DIY Cucumber Face Mask for Acne

February is coming to an end which means spring is right around the corner! (hopefully) This is a refreshing, exfoliating, and rejuvenating cleanse for oily skin, yet fights appearance of pimples fast. Most of the stuff you'll find around your house and it's all 100% natural ingredients. 


  • Half of a cucumber
  • Two tablespoons of oat
  • One tablespoon of Honey
  • Half of a lemon

Put the cucumber, cut into pieces in the blender. Add the oat flakes, the juice of half a lemon and honey. Blend until ingredients are integrated with each other, resulting in a homogeneous mask.

Apply this beauty makeup in areas most affected by acne. Massage gently to exfoliate and then leave for 15 -20 minutes before removing the mask with cold water.

This mask works well against acne, performing various functions. On one side is astringent and avoids the formation of fat on the face. It also helps to eliminate the layers of dead skin cells. Moreover, it is perfect to nourish and soften the skin, two of the fundamental characteristics of honey and oats.

We must, however, be careful not to use it before sun exposure, given the presence of the lemon. The contact between sun light and treated skin from the lemon can cause spots on the skin. Therefore, it is best to use it at night.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Memorial Day Dinner

Since today was Memorial Day, my family went out for dinner to Panera. I had the Mediterranean Veggie sandwich with Caesar salad. It was delish! 
Happy Memorial Day! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Song of the Week

Every week, I have decided that I will have a "Song of the Week" which is basically the song I have been listening to a lot recently. This week, I have been obsessed with "Exotic" by Priyanka Chopra ft. Pitbull. If you are an indian, you most likely know her because of bollywood movies but she recently has came to Hollywood, surprisingly she's a good singer and this song has been on replay so I thought I would share it with you. If this girl goes on a concert tour, I swear I'm gonna go to ticket master haha she's just so talented, down to earth, and gorgeous! Prettiest indian girl you'll see, I swear! LOL! 

Starbucks Run

I went to Starbucks right now and got a grande Valencia orange which is cool and yummy (that's what I was craving :P) but the best part is, it's only 90 calories! Yippee! 

Birthday Party!

I'm going to my best friends birthday party and this is what I'm wearing. 
Top: Forever 21
Pants: American Eagle
My favorite perfume (yep im a directioner)
My earrings are from Claire's 
My eye makeup 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday Evening/Snow Day

Since it's snowing outside which means that we can't go anywhere I thought I would watch some Netflix and drink some coffee (which I usually don't drink lol) just needed some relaxing time. 
This is my current favorite k cup coffee 
Making some coffee ;) 
Pouring some coffee creamer 
I thought I'd take this pic and share it with you guys because the layer/gradient in this coffee looked cool. It kind of reminded me of the iced caramel macchiato from starbucks. 
Stir stir STIR 
I started this series today because I have heard a lot about it especially from my friends beware its definetly very graphic and bloody but it's so addicting. I watched 6 episodes today which is a lot haha. 

Basically, sums up my Saturday Evening for today. Happy President's Day Weekend! 

Mini Haul

I went to the mall yesterday and just got two things. I first went to Sephora and got a YSL Lipstick and then I went to Lululemon to get a headband. We mainly went to buy my mom a gift for Valentine's Day. 
This was the YSL Lipstick 
The color is called "Nude In Private" #9, when I saw the name I was dying of laughter LOL XD. 
The packaging caught my eye, it was just gorgeous! 
Here's what the lipstick actually looks like when you take off the cap, it's beautiful isn't it? 
This is a swatch of the color, it's a nude/rose color which is slightly pink but not too much which I like because I wasen't looking for a straight up Barbie pink. This was the perfect shade because it has a little bit of everything. The best part is that it was moisturizing too, this is a pro for me because my lips are always dry and they get drier when I wear lipsticks. Also, it has shine which means you don't have to put on an extra layer of sticky gloss. The scent is also really yummy (don't lick it!) it smells like a tropical berry (idk which though) this is another pro because lipsticks usually smell awful. This lipstick only has one con, it costs $35 which is really expensive for a lipstick, but YSL is a luxury brand so there isn't much of an excuse. Still, you can get a MAC Lipstick for half the price and celebrities use MAC. I will most likely not purchase this product again for myself because of the price which is the downside. Overall, it's an amazing product and I would recommend it to anyone who is willing to splurge.
This is the "Fly Away Tamer" headband from Lululemon. 

New Blog!

Hey guys!

It's Nikita! I will be posting beauty related posts and sharing a few events from my personal life as well. Tell your friends and family about my blog and to check it out, I would love to have many people to know about me and read my blog posts for ideas or just for fun. If you have any questions or concerns, just write me an email or write in the comment section and I will respond back. All pictures will be taken by my iPhone 5. Watch out, I'm the new blogger on the block!

Instagram: nikita_prasad
Twitter: nikitaprasad27
YouTube: nikitaprasad