Monday, January 26, 2015

Yay, it's a Snow Day! But, I'm bored...

Who doesn't get excited about hearing there's no school?! I know I do and so do thousands of other kids. But what we don't think about is what are we gonna do for the next 24 hours? I have some ideas on what you should do to live your snow day to the fullest!

1. Build a Snowman

2.  Make Hot Chocolate

3. Watch Netflix/Movies/TV Shows

4. Bake 

5. Play Cards/Board Games/Video Games 

6. Have a Photoshoot 

7. Draw 

8. Read Books/Magazines

9.  Make a nice breakfast (pancakes, eggs, bacon etc.)

10. Give yourself a luxurious bath

11. STUDY! 

Just Kidding! Haha, you really thought I was that mean? ;) Happy Snow Day!! 

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