Saturday, August 23, 2014

Starbucks at Home! DIY Vanilla Bean Frappuccino

Are you a Starbucks fanatic like me? But can't stand paying unreasonable prices for delicious drinks? Don't be sad, get glad! Today I will share with you a very simple recipe for a Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappuccino so you will never (hopefully) have to walk in Starbucks again.


1/2 cup ice

1/2 tbsp sugar

1-2 scoops of vanilla bean ice cream

1/2 cup milk (preferred whole milk) 

Whipped Cream (Optional)


Step 1: Pour ice, sugar, ice cream, and milk in blender

Step 2: Blend for 5 minutes

Step 3: Pour beverage in a cup and if you'd like, put on some whipped cream!

Step 4: Enjoy! You just saved some major $$$!

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