Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bye Bye Acne! Neem Face Wash

Neem has anti- bacterial; anti- parasitic, anti- fungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that not only benefit your health but can help you get rid of common beauty problems that you face in your daily life. Now you can use this miraculous herb in your daily beauty regime perfect for the monsoon season in India.

I got this product in a popular market in Delhi called, "Big Bazaar" (it's like Walmart) I got a 120 ml tube (shown above) for about 200 rupees (indian currency) if you convert that into dollars it would currently cost $3.32. I know it isn't possible to find neem face products here but ordering online is always an option. 


Hey guys!

So sorry for the much inconvenience and delay of posts. I was busy during my India trip and at many times the Wi-Fi would come and go which is why I couldn't post anything but I will absolutely start posting by either sometime this week and if not next week for sure since there is a lot of catching up to do for me. I'm considering to stop "Song of the Week" because I'm pretty sure you guys know what songs are good. Once again, I apologize for not being able to post anything in the last one month.